Hi, I’m Ziyue (Zacc) Wu, a 3rd-year Ph.D. student in the School of Management, Zhejiang University, advised by Professor Xi Chen. I received my Bachelor’s Degree with Dual Majors in Statistics (STATS) and Information Systems (IS) at Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University, in 2021.

I’m enthusiastic about the interdisciplinary fields of Statistics, Machine Learning, and Business Studies, and devoted to data-driven managerial practices. My research aims to address crucial challenges in both academia and practical applications, drawing cutting-edge ideas in the field of Statistics and Computer Science to design novel methodological solutions adapted to these challenges. I also seek to unveil new mechanisms and principles in business scenarios, contributing to the advancement of managerial theories.

Specifically, my research interests broadly include the following topics:

  • Methodological Research: Casual inference in machine learning, Graph learning, Time series forecasting, Interpretable machine learning, Bayesian statistics, and Bayesian deep learning.
  • Applied Research: Social network, Social media, Customer behavior, Human-AI collaboration, Precision marketing and product promotion, and Financial technology.

If you are seeking any form of academic cooperation, please feel free to email me at ziyuewu@zju.edu.cn.

I also collaborate with companies for academic research and practical implementations, most of which are large online E-commerce or social media platforms in China such as Alibaba. My Ph.D. thesis plans to focus on social dynamic modeling, particularly the methodological development and mechanism discovery of individual behaviors in networks.

πŸ“ Research Papers

Journal Papers

Ziyue Wu, Xi Chen*, Zhaoxing Gao. (2023). Bayesian Non-parametric Method for Decision Support: Forecasting Online Product Sales. Decision Support Systems, 114019. [Paper]

Conference Papers

Ziyue Wu, Yiqun Zhang, Xi Chen*. (2024). What if Social Bots Be My Friends? Estimating Causal Effect of Social Bots Using Counterfactual Graph Learning. 57th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS). [Paper]

πŸ“– Educations

2021.9 - 2026.6 (Expected), Ph.D. Candidate, Zhejiang University, School of Management.

2017.9 – 2021.6, Undergraduate, Zhejiang University, Chu Kochen Honors College.

πŸŽ‰ Honors and Awards

2023.12 [Scholarship], First-Class Scholarship from Zhejiang University & Transfer Group Co., Ltd (Top 2%).

2023.9 [Award], Outstanding Ph.D. Candidate Award in School of Management, Zhejiang University (Top 5%).

2022.12 [Award], Best student paper in Annual Conference of Big Data and Business Analytics and China Management Young Scholars Forum.

2021.10 [Scholarship], Freshman scholarship for Ph.D. Candidates (Top 5%).

2019 [Scholarship], Provincial Scholarship (Top 10%).

2019 & 2020 [Award], Research Innovation Pacesetter in Chu Kochen Honors College.

2018 & 2019 [Award], Outstanding Students in Chu Kochen Honors College (Top 10%).

2018 & 2019 [Scholarship], First-Class Scholarship for Excellent Students in Zhejiang University (Top 5%).

2018 [Scholarship], National Scholarship (Top 2%).

πŸŽ– Conferences and Talks

2024.1, What if Social Bots Be My Friends? Estimating Causal Effect of Social Bots Using Counterfactual Graph Learning. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

2023.12, Estimating the Impact of Social Bots in Opinion Diffusion in Social Networks. Doctoral Forum in School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

2023.9, A Bayesian Non-parametric Method for Product Sales Forecasting. Doctoral Forum in School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

2023.7, Leverage Market Membership Information for Long-tail Product Discovery. China Management Annual Conference, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.

2022.12, A Network Representation Learning Approach to Identify Causality in Social Network Observational Data. Annual Conference of Big Data and Business Analytics, Changchun, Jilin, China.

πŸ’» Activities

Exchange Experiences

2023.10, Academic Visit and Exchange in Tilburg University, Netherlands.

2020.5 – 2020.9, Summer Intensity Research Training in the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

2018.7 – 2018.8, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, UK (Best Presentation award for group academic project).

Services and Clubs

2022.9 - 2023.9, Artificial Intelligence Association of Zhejiang University, Head of the Academic Department.

Started from 2021.11, Asia-Pacific Student Entrepreneurship Society, Member.

Started from 2020.5, Zhejiang University Morningside Culture China Scholars Program (12th), Member.

Last Modified on April 11, 2024